‘Please act now’

I’ve never been to Umm Al-Kheir, but I’ve heard a lot about it. One of my predecessors as Church of Scotland mission partner, Rev John McCulloch, went regularly to sit with the Bedouin of the village, to take small gifts for the children, and small sums of money. My colleague Rev Dr Stewart Gillan hasContinue reading “‘Please act now’”

All I have is a voice…

A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday evening,  I heard a wonderful selection of music and poetry on Radio 3, The Black Sun, themed around Oppenheimer and the development of the nuclear bomb. It is all worth a listen. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000llhd Carlos Serbia ‘Black Sun’ But the selection that leapt out at me was partContinue reading “All I have is a voice…”

Education, education, education…

Things are tense in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories this April 2022 because of the coincidence of Ramadan, Pesach (the Jewish Passover) and Easter. Over the past days there have been some shocking terror attacks met with overwhelming force. At a time when families of all traditions should be celebrating their faith and cultureContinue reading “Education, education, education…”

When are you travelling….?

Waiting is difficult. There are a lot of things to do, but only so many times you can say ‘Goodbye!’ Having been commissioned in a moving service in Stepps Parish Church on 26th October it would be ideal to get my things together, pack my suitcases and get on a plane. But I don’t yetContinue reading “When are you travelling….?”